The image displays a digital illustration of two sticky notes with a checkmark and an  X  symbol on them, placed against a blue background.


Our personalized quiz is here to guide you on your journey to finding the perfect care for your needs. By answering just a few simple questions, you'll gain invaluable insights into what type of counseling could be most beneficial for you.

Part 1. Your Child

Is your child exhibiting any of the following signs? YES/NO

  • Associating with friends who may use drugs or consume alcohol? YES/NO
  • Experiencing mood swings? YES/NO
  • Displaying inappropriate behavior or a negative attitude? YES/NO
  • Having irregular sleep patterns or waking up very late? YES/NO
  • Acting secretive or avoiding discussions about their whereabouts and activities? YES/NO
  • Facing challenges in school, like poor academic performance or frequent absences? YES/NO

Other indicators of potential drug or alcohol use include:

  • Smell of alcohol YES/NO
  • Poor personal hygiene or appearance YES/NO
  • Frequently staying out late YES/NO
  • Morning headaches or vomiting (indicating alcohol hangover) YES/NO
  • Drifting apart from old friends and hanging out with a new group YES/NO
  • Loss of appetite YES/NO
  • Excessive drowsiness YES/NO
  • Red, watery eyes and/or a runny nose YES/NO
  • Sudden disinterest in school, hobbies, and friends YES/NO
  • Regular disappearance of money or alcohol without explanation YES/NO
  • Discovering unusual items at home, such as burnt foil or torn cigarette packets YES/NO

Part 2. Parent

Do you find yourself:

  • Having trouble with communicating with your child? YES/NO
  • Feeling like you have drifted apart from your child? YES/NO
  • Feeling like you don’t know much about your child or what is going on in their life? YES/NO
  • Questioning child’s choices or behaviors? YES/NO
  • Dealing with frequent lying and rebellion? YES/NO
  • Feeling manipulated or guilty for saying no? YES/NO
  • Being consistently criticized or ridiculed by child? YES/NO
  • Getting into frequent disputes? YES/NO
  • Not sure how to create a relationship consisting of open and honest communication with child? YES/NO


If the answer is YES to anything in section 1 - Consultation for child individual sessions.

If the answer is YES in part 2 - Consultation for parent coaching sessions.

If YES in both sections - Consultation to discuss options for child individual sessions along with parental coaching.

If NO to everything in both sessions, “Congratulations! - It seems like you and your child are communicating well and there are no considerable issues regarding substance use.

About Us

Compassionate counseling and coaching for individuals and families facing substance use and relationship challenges.

Online Counseling Across Massachusetts and New Jersey


Existing Patients: (413) 650-2689
New Patients: (413) 233-4850